Sensual Massage
Sensual Massage

The Sensual Massage: Bodywork for an Intimate Evening

The Sensual Massage:

Please learn how to give a sensual massage.

1) Setting the mood
Setting the mood is one of the most important steps in sensual massage. The massage is meant to be sensual! You need her/him to feel as comfortable as possible.
First, dim the lights and light a few candles. This provides a nice romantic ambiance. Next, prepare your place for a massage. Find a good firm surface for her to lie down on (your bed, a beach towel, on the floor, or even on a table. (This is assuming you don’t have a professional massage table.)) If you are giving her/him a simple hand or scalp massage, a chair will do just fine.
2) Music
Music is a vital part of setting the right mood. Please, no AC/DC, Metallica, or Marilyn Manson. Ambient sounds or something like “Liquid Mind” will do just fine.
I like soft and slow blues or even nature sounds such as running water or the sounds of the rainforest.
3) The oil
Oil is your main ingredient. It’s as important as a mechanic’s wrench.
The list of appropriate oils you can use is long. Hemp, Jojoba, Hazelnut, Apricot Kernel, Argon, Avocado, Safflower, Rosehip Seed, Walnut, Camelia, Coconut, Macadamia Nut, Marula, Almond, Moringa, Grapeseed, Sunflower, Sesame, Mustard, Borage oil or mixed oils are all good choices. Experiment with a few and find what you like.
You can find all these and more at the health food store. Also, spa shops and skin care stores have a big variety of blended massage oils containing two or more oils. These can be very appealing.
Almond oil is one of the most popular and my personal favorite as a woman. It is slightly oily but allows your hands to slide smoothly. Plus, it doesn’t get absorbed too easily so you won’t need to keep reapplying it.
the sensual massage